i heart john stewart
it has become a constant in my life that i watch the daily show every night its on. without fail, 11 to 11:30, the comedy network is on my tv. well, tonights show one of the best. christopher hitchens was the guest. and i must admit, i had never heard of him before. as of right now, i want to read every book he has written starting with the one he was pimping tonight, love, poverty and war. read the reviews, this guy writes a nasty book. someone find me this book.
At 2:20 PM ,
TimothyPilgrim said...
Crap. I missed it. I love that show.
An online friend, who's a conservative libertarian, posted recently about how liberals have no humour and that only conservatives do. I had to respond immediately with links to The Daily Show, Air Farce, and 22 Minutes.
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