wwe wrestling
i was on the music setup side this time and was close enough to get this shot of the lineup. a couple things got moved around so this doesn't exactly match what i am about to talk about.
started of the night with the highlanders v. mike mizanin and chris cage. good little match. the only guy i really knew here was mizanin from his tough enough days. i would rather he would have won instead of puder. the highlanders have a neat little gimmick where their tag is a slap to the face. crowd was split on who to cheer for. the highlanders were playing the heels but the crowd started out supporting them and then kind of turning on them about halfway through. mizanin and cage are your winners.
next was rene dupree and chris masters. now, i am not a chris masters fan in anyway. i do not believe he belongs on tv. having said that, he did a good job here with the smaller crowd. his opening promo was fairly tight despite me hoping for orton-esque abilities on the mic and the match was pretty good. they took the cheap way out with dupree playing the canadian card and getting decent pops throughout the match. dupree looks alot different from the last time he was here. however, masters won with the masterlock.
next was stacey out to excite the male portion of the audience but her big reason for being there was to bring out trish stratus for a promo. be still my beating heart. the two of them talked for a bit, hitting the current favorite crowd popper, "lita is a slut" when rob conway decides to come to the ring. he calls them both gutter trash and when the girls both decide to slap him, he catches their arms and holds them when big vis decides to interject. conway cuts a little promo about how how has already beat him, vis attacks and the match is on. the girls head for the locker room and vis and conway should have followed. match wasn't that good. vis wins after hitting everyones favorite move, the greco roman butt rape (TM Rick Scaia). ref jack doan injured his leg/ankle during the match. he was visibly limping from about the halfway point on.
after that was shelton benjamin and carilto.. i must admit, these guys are two of my favourites. both were on tonight and the crowd was really up for this one. carilto is such a natural in this business. his mannerisms, his speech, his movements all seem so natural and fluid. this kid is going to be huge someday. shelton is just a great wrestler. and he seems to have shook the carilto curse in this one as there were no moments were he almost killed himself. they had a cool spot where carilto had shelton in an arm lock and pushed him onto his back. shelton the nipped up and carlito pushed him back down. shelton ended up nipping up three times in a row. it was cool and as far as i recall, they haven't done that spot on tv. here's hoping there can break it out soon. oh, and carlito retained on a double countout.
the last match before the intermission was snitsky v. big show. i high fived show on the way out and asked for one shhhhhh!-chop. if you are a fan, you know what the means. he obliged within the first 2 minutes. very nice. show wins.
during the intermission this smoking hot big boobed chick comes up and asks if she can slide in beside me when john cena leaves the ring at the end of the night. apparently they met at an autograph signing and went on a date and now she wants to remind him of who she is. she says, "he may not remember this (points to her face) but he should remember these (points to boobs). she seems like a nice stalker.
back from the intermission we have the tag title match. hurricane and rosey (and of course, every leather fetish's dream, super stacey) against lance cade and trevor murdoch. cade has a country-rock singer look about him and murdoch looks to be doing a son-of-dick-murdoch gimmick. he had the mannerisms and everything done and was actually very entertaining during the match. a lot of comments for fans, refs, his partner and his opponents. and in my eyes, hurricane can do no wrong so this was a decent match. champs retain and then a pretty decent heel beatdown to end. hurricane took the worst of it and stacey went running off during it almost like she was going to get help, but then never came back. guess she couldn't find anyone.
eugene came out next to a decent reaction. a security guard went over to this kid sitting on a floor seat, grabbed his sign and ripped it up. the guy next to us says it read "eugene is the shit" but my buddy swore it said "eugene should be shot". then out comes angle who grabs a mic and asks eugene where his gold medal. eugene says he forgot it at home and let the beating commence. all angle, all the time till the head to the turnbuckle shot. eugene hulks up, hits a few moves including a rock bottom but after that little burst, angle comes back, hits the ankle lock and even grapevines for the win. eugene was helped to the back, even going as far as taking off his boot to take a look at the ankle. strange.
main event was john cena v. edge. lots of mic work and stalling to start. decent match, both guys were playing there parts well here. edge as the evil villain (complete with a reference to the recent signing of lindros to the leafs) and cena as the panders-to-13-year-old girls home boy. i must admit though, the noise level in The Aud grew noticeably during this match. sigh. they did a nice little spot where cena grabbed a foam hand from some kid celebrating his 8th birthday (i know because i read the sign he was holding), took it into the ring and gave edge the finger with it. i wanted him to deliver a shop with it but whatever. cena wins after edge went to the top rope, cena knocked his leg out so he was laid out across the top, then cena slid underneath, and picked him up on his shoulders for an f-u. it took cena about 20 minutes of parading around the ring and high-fiving everyone in the arena before he left. and yes, the chick came back slid in beside me and cena took the photo. she asked him if he remembered her and he said, "of course i do honey" and immediately left. she went right to her cell phone and was still sitting there when we left waiting for the call.
At 9:15 PM ,
Bulldog said...
Awesome pictures. Sounds like it was a decent house show, too...
At 7:49 AM ,
Trevor said...
it was a decent show. no jericho and thats a huge disappointment but it was fun. and i love my seats, i can get some good shots of everyone coming out.
At 11:16 PM ,
TimothyPilgrim said...
Wierdly enough, on the way in to work this morning at 6:15 am, I saw two transport trucks with WWE emblazoned on the sides of the trailers heading westbound from Ajax-ish towards Toronto. They had the nicest looking shiny new rigs on the road too.
At 12:04 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Iloved all the pictures of John Cena he looked SO SEXY!!!!!!!!
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