reading material
i keep a running list over on the right hand side and will be updating all the books for 2006. here is the list from 2005 as they will now be deleted from the recently read column.
catcher in the wry
flash forward
5 people you meet in heaven
lotr triolgy (+ hobbit)
harry potter and the half blood prince
around the world in 80 days
to be the man
tuesdays with morrie
charlie and the chocolate factory
america the book
adam copeland on edge
barenaked ladies; public stunts, private stories
angels and demons
da vinci code
eats, shoots & leaves
planet of the umps
little children
joe college
pagen babies
all families are psychotic
sex, lies, and headlocks
girlfriend in a coma
the cheese monkeys
catcher in the wry
flash forward
5 people you meet in heaven
lotr triolgy (+ hobbit)
harry potter and the half blood prince
around the world in 80 days
to be the man
tuesdays with morrie
charlie and the chocolate factory
america the book
adam copeland on edge
barenaked ladies; public stunts, private stories
angels and demons
da vinci code
eats, shoots & leaves
planet of the umps
little children
joe college
pagen babies
all families are psychotic
sex, lies, and headlocks
girlfriend in a coma
the cheese monkeys
At 8:50 AM ,
TimothyPilgrim said...
So have you actually read all these books? Angels and Demons is better than the DaVinci Code, which I see is actually a rehash of the former. Flash Forward was a great read and my intro into Robert J. Sawyer, Canada's greatest SciFi author and cool dude to boot. I went to a party at his place a few weeks ago. Dude's a total geek, just like me.
At 9:15 PM ,
Bulldog said...
Some great books there (and I can recommend another one at But seriously.... The Da Vinci Code is the only Dan Brown I haven't read yet. Just wondering how religious it is, exactly, because I found there were parts in Angels & Demons to be a little too much at times on that front.....
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