
formerly known as "i make pretty pictures" because as a graphic designer, that is actually what some people think i do for a living, this blog will now be titled, "overrated" for a variety of reasons i do not feel like explaining. the focus will be somewhat eclectic, though sports, design, the arts and pop culture will be featured more and more. because these are the things that interest me.

Friday, September 5

so something happened to me today that has never happened before.

I am on holidays but there was a blood donor clinic at work so I decided to book an appointment anyway (my 3rd ever donation). as i was being prepped, colleen was there already in the middle of her donation and we got talking. i made a joke that i was thinking about biking from home to the donation and how it was such a bad idea because i probably would be biking home aferwards and end up passing out in a ditch.

Well, i never made it to the ditch.

Not 30 seconds after colleen left, i passed out. seems that you need to eat more than a single piece of toast in the morning before donating a 11:00am. I have never experienced that before. I could feel my stomach start to get a little flippy and I am sure i tried to say something and then I think I just put my head back and basically fell asleep. apparently they were lightly slapping my face to no response so they broke out the ice water and put cold cloths over my face and arms and that seem to do the trick. quite and interesting little day i had.


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