so i watch the boston/montreal game last night (in boston) and i am very interested in seeing the crowd response during the singing of the canadian national athem. see, the montreal fans have a bad habit of booing the american national anthem at the beginning of the game. they come up with excuses like they are against bush and its their way of showing their dislike. to me, its sad and distasteful. i will be the first to admit that american policies and general national attitude are near the top of my list of dislikes, but for the hockey fans of montreal to boo a national anthem is wrong.
so the guy comes out and starts up with oh canada and what does the crowd do? complete standing ovation during the entire song. it was amazing to see. all the fans in the fleet centre last night should be very proud of what they did. it was one of the classiest things i have seen in a sporting event.
the kicker is that the guy who sang the national anthems was horrible and by the look on his face, he thought the standing o during the canadian anthem was for him. ugh.