
formerly known as "i make pretty pictures" because as a graphic designer, that is actually what some people think i do for a living, this blog will now be titled, "overrated" for a variety of reasons i do not feel like explaining. the focus will be somewhat eclectic, though sports, design, the arts and pop culture will be featured more and more. because these are the things that interest me.

Sunday, March 30

stop motion tron


via drawn.ca

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Saturday, March 29

on a bible kick

there seems to be a trend in the blogs and articles i have been reading lately. mostly religious stuff. for example, a nice list of bible verses that you will probably never hear in a sermon on sunday. example? sure.

Ezekiel 23:19-20
Yet she increased her prostitution, remembering the days of her youth when she engaged in prostitution in the land of Egypt. She lusted after their genitals as large as those of donkeys, and their seminal emission was as strong as that of stallions.

the rest of the list can be found here

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the new 7 deadly sins

these don't really have the same pizzazz as greed, envy and lust. but hey, the church has to look for new things to condemn right?

see the new and improved deadly sins here

via boing boing

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