
formerly known as "i make pretty pictures" because as a graphic designer, that is actually what some people think i do for a living, this blog will now be titled, "overrated" for a variety of reasons i do not feel like explaining. the focus will be somewhat eclectic, though sports, design, the arts and pop culture will be featured more and more. because these are the things that interest me.

Sunday, November 28

academy award winning rabbits

classics movies re-enacted by cartoon bunnies in 30 seconds. no, seriously. my favourite was the shining. but see them all at angry alien productions.

link courtesy of canadian bulldog.


this is a site that is in need of being explored a little more by me in the near future. but for now, i release it to the masses. try typing in your name and see what it finds out about you (and all the people out there with the same name). googlism

Tuesday, November 16

wtf? this cannot be true

tim sent me this article and i am having a hard time believing that sex with animals is not illegal in sweden. according to the article it was decriminalized in 1944 as part of the same law that decrimininalized homosexual sex. what?!?

and now i can't wait to see what type of hits i get from search engines based on the words i just wrote. so if you got to this site by searching for "sex animals not illegal", do me a favour, drive a 8 inch spike through the head of your penis and call it a day. unbelievable.

Monday, November 15

devouring authors

i have noticed something. i seem to have a habit of reading a book, and if i really like it, i read everything i can by that author. i notice it when i look back at the last couple years of reading material on my book shelf. douglas coupland, elmore leonard, tom perrotta and more recently with dan brown. is this normal?

Wednesday, November 10

stupid book

i am reading the da vinci code and i can't put the stupid book down (hence the title of this post). tim, if you haven't read this, you have to. jay, you would probably like it too.

Sunday, November 7

george bush on blogger

hey, gw has a blog. go read it now for two reasons. 1 - its frickin hi-larious. 2 - it will probably get shut down soon.

Friday, November 5

this bothers me

Thursday, November 4


so to write a 50,000 word novel in a month, i figure it takes writing about 2,000 words a day right? so if today is the 4th, that means i am currently negative 8,000 words. yikes. but you can check out everyone elses progress here

your future president

forget hillary in 2008. barack obama is the ideal and logical choice for president in 2008. problem is, i think he's too smart to want the job. but he would be a good one. see him here.

states decided it likes bush

so another four years huh? y'all are crazy. unless of course your idea of healing is mandatory prayer in schools (christian prayer that is), your teenagers being drafted into what ever god-awful war he decides to start next and having to listen to him mumble and stutter his way through speeches (its called a complete thought gw, look it up).

yassar arafat

i ain't buying it. i think he's dead and they are just trying to buy some time to get organized to present it to the public and the world properly. read about it here