
formerly known as "i make pretty pictures" because as a graphic designer, that is actually what some people think i do for a living, this blog will now be titled, "overrated" for a variety of reasons i do not feel like explaining. the focus will be somewhat eclectic, though sports, design, the arts and pop culture will be featured more and more. because these are the things that interest me.

Wednesday, December 29

i am such a geek

yes, i play chess online. screw you. i have played, and enjoyed the game since i was about 10 years old. and i plan on teaching both my children how to play. but at least i am not defensive about it.

Saturday, December 11

political compass

take a quick 6-page survey and find out where your political beliefs land you compared to past and current political leaders (including that left wing bastard gandhi). to be honest, i kind of like the company i ended up in. makes me feel all transcendant.

this is disgusting

the more you read, the worse it is. this guy reviews a bunch of different things but mostly its food. some of the shit this guy has eaten makes me sick. mostly because i have already eaten it or i really want to. ugh.

my neighbours are hoors!

no, not mine, this guys. exactly what it says it is. the guys neighbours are working ladies and he seems to be spending an unhealthy amount of time telling us about them. but fun to read.

Wednesday, December 1

oh, yeah, and another thing...

and i also heard my new favourite line when referencing viagra. as uttered by stephen colbert on tonights daily show,

"that crank make your jimmy thick"

now i just have to remember to say that the next time someone mentions viagra around me.

i heart john stewart

it has become a constant in my life that i watch the daily show every night its on. without fail, 11 to 11:30, the comedy network is on my tv. well, tonights show one of the best. christopher hitchens was the guest. and i must admit, i had never heard of him before. as of right now, i want to read every book he has written starting with the one he was pimping tonight, love, poverty and war. read the reviews, this guy writes a nasty book. someone find me this book.