
formerly known as "i make pretty pictures" because as a graphic designer, that is actually what some people think i do for a living, this blog will now be titled, "overrated" for a variety of reasons i do not feel like explaining. the focus will be somewhat eclectic, though sports, design, the arts and pop culture will be featured more and more. because these are the things that interest me.

Monday, May 31

so my wife walks in this morning from work (shes a vet tech) and in her hands is a brand new cat. i mean brand new. thing can't be 5 weeks old. she shows my daughter and says, "say hi to little joe. do you like him?"
do you like him? what kind of question is that for a 4 year old? of course she likes him!!! so now we have a new cat.

Saturday, May 29

i have two animals in the house. a cat and a dog. both got sprayed in the face by a skunk on thursday night about 10. that sucks. up til about one trying to bring the smell of the animals into the "gagging but not throwing up" stage and forget the house. i went to work friday figuring i would only be there about half an hour and then be asked to leave because i thought i reeked. but i stayed all day so either my coworkers have plugged noses or maybe the shower i took in the morning actually did some good. whatever. i can still smell it.

Thursday, May 20

so andy kaufman is back is he? probably not but someone has a lot of time on their hands to make it seem like he is. so enjoy the mad ramblings of someone who is so obsessed with the idea that kaufman faked his death and returns on the 20th anniversary of said event. see it here

Thursday, May 6

so far, in two bikes rides coming home from work, in consecutive days no less, i have witnessed two acts of sexual copulation in the not-quite-fully grown-in woods along the bike trail. along the iron horse trail in kitchener, right after it crosses queen and before you get to victoria, there is a spot where the woods are quite thick but there are many paths in and throughout. but please people, wait until the woods are grown in and people can't actually see you.