
formerly known as "i make pretty pictures" because as a graphic designer, that is actually what some people think i do for a living, this blog will now be titled, "overrated" for a variety of reasons i do not feel like explaining. the focus will be somewhat eclectic, though sports, design, the arts and pop culture will be featured more and more. because these are the things that interest me.

Thursday, February 24

barry bonds

i gots to hand it to barry bonds. dude showed some life today in that press conference. calling all the media liars and daring them to present facts to support their stories and none of them could do it. he seemed pissed and rightly so. i loved the comments about canseco (I was better than Jose then, and I've been better than him his whole career). leave bonds alone, let him break aarons mark and then as he breaks ruth's make sure to report properly on the bastards who send the death threats to him. its going to happen but we'll see how much the media gloss it over when it does.

that long huh?

wow, haven't posted since feb 9? thats quite a while for me. i'll have to see what i can do to rectify that.

Wednesday, February 9

i have gone link happy

here are a few things that have made my bookmarks over the last little while

if you use mapquest, stop! try this google maps. its in beta, but its really good. oh, and it doesn't work in safari yet.

now thats some talent. look at the frickin' buildings this guy makes out of cards.

ok, so i wasn't that link happy.

Friday, February 4

microsofties need to hide the ipods

ha, this is too funny. seems a whole bunch of microsoft employees have ipods and are catching shit for it at work. i love it. read it here

Thursday, February 3

monkey porn

nice to see that human men are not the only porn addicted things on this planet. now i just need to find a store that sells me porn for juice. tim once again gets credited. but don't bother with his site as he updates less than me.