
formerly known as "i make pretty pictures" because as a graphic designer, that is actually what some people think i do for a living, this blog will now be titled, "overrated" for a variety of reasons i do not feel like explaining. the focus will be somewhat eclectic, though sports, design, the arts and pop culture will be featured more and more. because these are the things that interest me.

Tuesday, February 14

kingston rep-ruh-zent

being a (for the most part) good kingston boy, its good to see someone doing something interesting, funny and prosperous. course, i hated queens students (ok, maybe a handful snuck under that radar), and these people probably aren't from kingston anyway. oh well, i still throw out to ghetto tees.

just awesome

i am such a sucker for good photography. plus, this guy is doing what i wanted to do this year. a photo a day for a whole year. the difference between us? you can see his attempt here. my attempt, uh, nowhere to be found.

Thursday, February 9

monkey barn

another site i am adding to my blog roll. with my girl dragon adding her enlightening thoughts, its a fun read. read it here

Wednesday, February 8

brokeback to the future

with a little creative editing, all original sound and some mood music, trailer mash ups can can very, very good. see a good one here
thank you to amy allcock, now lovingly adorning my blogroll.

Tuesday, February 7

holy shit

so i take the day off work because my wife had to go to a funeral. i'm watching the 11:30pm news and what do i see? a bomb threat at work!!!!! man, i miss all the good days.

circa 1970-what?

Originally uploaded by static.

this shot always reminds me of a living room from a 70's newly built suburban home. the colours, the cheesy curtain fabric, the brown and gold striped couch. then i remember this photo was taken at my parents house in 2003.