
formerly known as "i make pretty pictures" because as a graphic designer, that is actually what some people think i do for a living, this blog will now be titled, "overrated" for a variety of reasons i do not feel like explaining. the focus will be somewhat eclectic, though sports, design, the arts and pop culture will be featured more and more. because these are the things that interest me.

Tuesday, January 16


Originally uploaded by static.

i submit photos to a site called jpg magazine. i managed to get published once and i hope to do it again. so, feel free to click here and vote for this photo in the category of "elegance".

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can i call em?

Saturday, January 13

go saints go

i am watching my saints win their playoff matchup right now against the eagles. i am very, very happy.

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purple and white

purple and white
Originally uploaded by static.

i took this pic last summer. i then posted it to my flickr site and just recently got a comment from someone that it has appeared on a website called thefairest.info where you can vote repeatedly between 2 given images. pick which one looks better to you and then you are given another set. this continues until you choose to leave the site. using some crazy math and algorithims, they also list a top 40 of the "prettiest" photos based on the user picks. i assume this top 40 is always chaging as more and more votes are recorded. interesting enough. and apparently all pretty photos are based in nature. take a look at the top 40 and you will see what i mean.

Thursday, January 11

the way mary poppins was meant to be

this is what i love about the whole mashup thing. people can screw around with video and sound and create whatever they want. in that vein, i present, scary mary

i saw this a while back and forgot to post it but was recently reminded of it when i saw it on amy's page

Wednesday, January 10


every once in awhile, i find a new time waster. the kind that al gore was aiming for when he invented the internet. here is my newest. a wiki on star wars. wookiepedia