
formerly known as "i make pretty pictures" because as a graphic designer, that is actually what some people think i do for a living, this blog will now be titled, "overrated" for a variety of reasons i do not feel like explaining. the focus will be somewhat eclectic, though sports, design, the arts and pop culture will be featured more and more. because these are the things that interest me.

Thursday, October 30

guy getting smoked in the head

this is making the rounds now. i heard about it on the jim rome show. guy climbing a traffic light in philly after the world series win. he gets smoked by a ginormous glass bottle and well, click on the word this above.

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dubai is crazy

are you kidding me? if you have the money and a couple insane architects to draw it up, dubai will build it. the anara tower. 700 metres high, with apartments, shopping, offices and right in the middle is a freaking restaurant. oh, and it will conform to LEED certification requirements of at least a silver rating. jesus. read all about it here

big presidential shoes to fill

obama better throw a hell of a party at the inauguration if he wants to keep up with the legends that have held the post before him. excessive drinking, fighting and one “stout black wench” according to the reports. andrew jackson really knew how to play to his base.

google book search

i am still not sold on the practice of reading books on screen as opposed to the tactile sensation of actually reading a book, but this may help me in any conversion that may take place. google book search seems pretty packed as far as an online library goes. they even settled a lawsuit with "the authors guild, the association of american publishers and a handful of authors and publishers" so they can do all this legally.

Wednesday, October 29


my buddy mike is helping humanity by working as a radio journalism trainer in freetown, the capital of sierra leone

you can keep up with his exploits here. keep up the good work mike.

the big chart

brought to you by the counter intuitive comparison institute of north america. about 17 minutes long but well, well worth it. here.


23 tubes 1 bowl

just what it says. a little experiment involving 23 leftover tubes of toothpaste and the resulting mixture.  here.


canadian tire goes grocery

seriously wtf? buying milk and bread at a canadian tire? thats not right. except the way zehrs is going, you will likely be able to buy tires there soon so i guess this is just canadian tire getting ahead in the game? yikes. read it here
