
formerly known as "i make pretty pictures" because as a graphic designer, that is actually what some people think i do for a living, this blog will now be titled, "overrated" for a variety of reasons i do not feel like explaining. the focus will be somewhat eclectic, though sports, design, the arts and pop culture will be featured more and more. because these are the things that interest me.

Tuesday, June 23

hugh hefner

a really cool article on the founder of playboy.

i was never sold on the hyper-reality that is hugh hefner. it always seemed a little too much. and he seemed like a perv.

how many other guys that age (or any age) could surround himself with beautiful women and have his whole identity so carefully crafted around such women, and not be considered a creepy old guy? well, hugh can.

predicated on the idea that he arranged for their ultimate lifestyle because they took their clothes off for a camera, hugh's life takes on a greater-than-it-should meaning. yeah, he created an empire from it, but if anyone else tried it, they would probably be in jail

i think he did it at the right time, and he (initially) maintained the right image. that era and those girls? perfect. wholesome, cute and active (how many girls are there that like long walks and running on the beach?) in an era where sexual experience was starting to blossom publicly? just good timing really.

this article is half book review for The Complete Centrefolds, a coffee-table book and half history lesson and makes for some great reading. make sure to check it out.

Monday, June 22

wow, finally, an innovative use of pixels

seriously, just try to not spend hours on this. oh, as a warning, only click on this is you A) have time to waste, B) are not offended easily by ralph bakshi-styled drawings or C) don't mind pulling large metal objects out of a crudely drawn animals ass. seriously.

but its still the most innovative thing i have seen a website used for in a long long time.


Sunday, June 21

the vader project

Celebration 187
Originally uploaded by swguru2004.

i really would have loved to been able to go to this.

The Vader Project - a reimagining of the iconic Darth Vader helmet by some of today's hottest underground and pop surrealist painters, artists and designers

here is the website and here is a flickr set

go ahead, cuss a blue streak in front of the kids

great article about the significance that kids attach to swear words when they are exposed to them as compared to not hearing them until their older. read it here, then go swear at a child. they'll thank you when they grow up.

if taglines were honest

this was done a couple years back (2007) but its still hilarious. i always appreciate truth in advertising so its good to see someone step up and gives a few ideas of what some corporations should be saying about their products.

my favourite?
Taco Bell: You're drunk and we're still open.

See the whole list here

Saturday, June 20


ever hear of catfish noodling?

the video below will bring you up to date. cribbed from boing boing

jesse ventura on dick cheney

no, not like that.

i love jesse. do i agree with everything he says? no. but let's be honest, i don't think i agree with most people on most things. but this larry king interview gave us some great quotes.

George Bush is the worst president in my lifetime.

I have no respect for Dick Cheney.

...you give me a water board, Dick Cheney and one hour, and I'll have him confess to the Sharon Tate murders.
