
formerly known as "i make pretty pictures" because as a graphic designer, that is actually what some people think i do for a living, this blog will now be titled, "overrated" for a variety of reasons i do not feel like explaining. the focus will be somewhat eclectic, though sports, design, the arts and pop culture will be featured more and more. because these are the things that interest me.

Tuesday, September 21

god faq

Wednesday, September 15

Wednesday, September 8

so after all the bitching i do about how much ball i played on the weekend and how sore my body was, i go out and play again last night. and what do i get for my troubles? i rolled my ankle rounding first, and got plunked by an inside fastball which glanced off my forearm and hit me in the chin. good times.

Monday, September 6

so i just finished my first ball tournament in two years (fastball that is, none of that slo-pitch or three pitch or lob ball or whatever other bastardized version of a real sport is out there) and my body aches. now i play ball 1-2 times a week for the the last 4 years but doing three games in a 18 hour span has taken its toll on me. i feel like i need to bathe in rub-a535. hey, at least we won the tourny.

Friday, September 3

so who is watching the republican national convention? i saw zell millers speech on wednesday and bushs speech last night. and i must say, republicans are crazy.
now granted, miller is a registered democrat, but given that he was the keynote speaker at the rnc, i think its obvious where his ideology lies. and then after the address, we was on msnbc's hardball with chris matthews where the debate between them got heated enough to the point where miller wished openly that he could challenge matthews to a duel. a duel! what the hell? this man is so full of venom and hate. he really is a complete idiot.

bushs speech was tamer. actually and i hate to admit it, but he came off looking pretty good. i credit this more to the writers than to the speaker but he did a good job. strong points, self depracating humour. i still think the man is ill-equipped to be president but hey, i don't get to vote do i?

found an atricle on how the republicans "frame" their talking points and speeches. it really is interesting. this guy should be a guest on the daily show. though, if you are not into this kind of stuff, it may be a little dry. read it here

i love stupid clients. now designers have a site to collectively inform others of the stupid things, stupid clients say. clientcopia.com