
formerly known as "i make pretty pictures" because as a graphic designer, that is actually what some people think i do for a living, this blog will now be titled, "overrated" for a variety of reasons i do not feel like explaining. the focus will be somewhat eclectic, though sports, design, the arts and pop culture will be featured more and more. because these are the things that interest me.

Tuesday, September 23

I think that tim sent me this and if you are in any relationship at all, you will laugh.

Thursday, September 18

ok, now i am getting mad. other than a select few, no one has been placing comments and absolutely no one has emailed me. in the entire existence of this blog i have had 740 visitors from the united states, 100 from the united kingdom, 25 from singapore, 22 from the netherlands, 21 from france, 20 from australia 12 from germany 11 from italy, 10 from brazil and fewer amounts from a ton of ther countries and YET NO ONE OUTSIDE OF CANADA (although newfoundlands close) HAS LEFT A COMMENT OR SENT AN EMAIL!!!!

how can i use this blog to bolster my waning self-importance if no one pretends to love me?

you are all responsible for this blatent cry for acceptance.

someone help

my wife's best friend's house burnt down last week (she was renting it). blah. no renters insurance either. the owners had told her not to worry about it since they had coverage. which they didn't. they had just put in new carpet, a brand new tv and to top it off, she doesn't put any of her spending money in banks, she puts it in tin cans in her closet. all gone.

Wednesday, September 17

According to NedStat, these are some searches people have done that have reached this blog.

Through google
non-famous pictures of old people
pictures of illegal weapons

Through Yahoo
bloody car wreck pictures
pictures of my stitches

Some people are strange

Tuesday, September 16

Wiped out on my bike on the way home. On pavement no less. Very sore elbow, sore hip/thigh and sore leg/shin. Can't wait to try and sleep and wake up very, very stiff. Then bike to work in the morning.

Note of warning for those I work with:
probably best to leave me alone tomorrow.

Colleen, Lisa and I sat in our new lunch/lounge/board room yesterday and watched some 14ish year old who didn't think anyone could see him smoke crack or something else you can smoke out of a pipe, my drug culture knowledge is a little lax. It caught me a little off guard. We see kids out there all the time smoking cigarettes, and it wouldn't surprise me at all to find out that once in awhile (or more), it would be marijuana instead, but to see the kid pull out a pipe was a little disturbing.
Signature on a co-workers email:

Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae.

Bizarre but seems to work.

Friday, September 5

so something happened to me today that has never happened before.

I am on holidays but there was a blood donor clinic at work so I decided to book an appointment anyway (my 3rd ever donation). as i was being prepped, colleen was there already in the middle of her donation and we got talking. i made a joke that i was thinking about biking from home to the donation and how it was such a bad idea because i probably would be biking home aferwards and end up passing out in a ditch.

Well, i never made it to the ditch.

Not 30 seconds after colleen left, i passed out. seems that you need to eat more than a single piece of toast in the morning before donating a 11:00am. I have never experienced that before. I could feel my stomach start to get a little flippy and I am sure i tried to say something and then I think I just put my head back and basically fell asleep. apparently they were lightly slapping my face to no response so they broke out the ice water and put cold cloths over my face and arms and that seem to do the trick. quite and interesting little day i had.